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In business it is important to receive testimonials and recommendations from those with whom you have had business interactions. Below is a few of those recommendations and testimonials that we have received: 

"I have known Bruce McKay for over 25 years both in a personal and professional capacity. During that time we have worked together in building the South African Chefs Association membership and through his endeavours opened a branch in Bloemfontein.  He has been a great servant to the Association always acting for the best interests of SACA and with impeccable professionalism.  He has spent his entire career in the field of food and beverage holding senior positions in leading South African companies.  He has well-established culinary credentials and has been instrumental in training many young South African hospitality industry employees."  

Dr Billy Gallagher HC (Culinary Arts)

Founding Chairman Academy of Chefs.

Honorary Life President South African Chefs Association.

Honorary Life President World Association of Chefs Society.

Via Linkedin:  

"I have known Bruce as a hotelier and also in his role as the Vice Chairman of Fedhasa Inland. 
Bruce is passionate about the industry he is in and gives of his time freely be it as a hotelier and industry trainer or in his role in promoting the hospitality industry." Sunil Menon - MD at NFS Technology Group 

"Bruce is a well-known and trusted tourism specialist in his field. His passion for the tourism industry shows in his commitment towards achieving his goals and he is a fountain of knowledge regarding the industry." Johan Hattingh - HOD Tourism at the CUT Free State

"I have first met Bruce when he was the Chef at the Bloemfontein Hotel. I have found him to be a great chef and a very good culinary trainer. I have no hesitation to recommend Bruce for anything related." Hein Olckers - Regional Director Learning and Development at Orient Express Hotels 

"I have known Bruce for many years and always found him to be a straight shooter. Nothing is too much for him and what he says he delivers." Philippe Frydman - Partner at Restaurant Code & Chairman of the Academy of Chefs/South African Chefs Association

“I have known Bruce for the past 4 years as a chef and a member of Free State Tourism Board. A very meticulous, honest and professional person in his field of work who needs things done perfectly and according to the book.” Tankiso Morule – Owner People First Investments

"Bruce's work ethics are of an extremely high standard. His values and integrity are beyond reproach. He is goal driven, committed and very detailed. We have no hesitation in recommending his services to all that may require his assistance” 
Linda Blackbeard - Owner Blackbeard Interior Designs

"I have known Bruce for many years since he was a youngster. He has devoted his life to his work and has grown to be a well known charactor in the local hospitality industry. Well done Bruce. Mike Spencer, Platinum Global, Bloemfontein." Mike Spencer - Owner Platinum Global Bloemfontein

Via Direct Letter:

Blackbeard Hospitality Designs - pdf

Chameleon Architects Cape Town - pdf

Free State Tourism Authority - pdf

Sunbird Hotel Group Malawi- pdf

Winter Green Trust - pdf 

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